Championship Performance Coaching Volume 1 and 2 Package


Price: 1 Set $50

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Coach Your Teams to Their Championship Dreams

Championship Performance Coaching Volume 1 and 2 is about one thing: winning ideas to get your team to perform at the highest level possible.   When talent is relatively equal, the mental/motivational/leadership side of the athletic equation can make all the difference in how games and seasons turn out.

VOLUME 1: Legendary Coaching Wisdom on Leadership, Motivation, and Practice Plans to Achieve Your Dream Season Get hundreds of practical ideas, tips, tactics, and strategies to bring your team one step closer to a championship season. See Full List of All 99 Chapters Here

Sign up for the Monthly Motivator and Receive 5 Chapters FREE Volume 1 covers five primary subject areas.  Highlights include: Section I Leadership: 17 chapters to increase your leadership power and influence.  Common leader mistakes to avoid. Develop your team captains to be your second coaching voice. Section II Practice Plans and Game Preparation: It’s all about quality practice.   Get dozens of creative and practical ideas to get your players ready to perform to the best of their ability on game day. Section III Motivation: The centerpiece of Volume 1 with 27 short chapters to push all the right buttons to get the absolute maximum performance from your players.  Produce consistent, top-notch performances throughout the season. This is the ultimate guide to everything motivational – from reversing momentum shifts to sustaining motivation during losing seasons to female motivation keys to increasing athlete self-motivation. Section IV Coaching Methods and Philosophy:  What have the most successful field generals in history done to run a program at a consistently high level?  Tap into the minds of the coaching legends present and past. Take their best philosophies and implement the ones that fit into your program. Section V Coaching Bullet Points for SuccessGive your team a performance shot in the arm when you run dry of ideas that you can implement quickly. You could spend a lifetime online or at the library and still not come up with the treasure trove of coaching wisdom contained in these two volumes.

VOLUME 2: 200+ Practical, Proven Sports Psychology and Team Building Strategies to Win More this Season Volume 2 goes deeper into the mental conditioning and team chemistry aspects of performance.

See full list of all 82 Chapters Here Highlights include: Section I Performance Psychology/Confidence Building: What is the psychology of playing with a lead so you can finish off opponents? What are the best methods to break free of slumps? How do you best prepare as an underdog versus a favorite? How do strike the right balance between confident and cocky? 25 chapters delve into all the issues that impact performance psychology. Section II Goal Setting: 10 models and different perspectives on goal setting to develop continuous performance improvement in your athletes. Section III Coaching and Communication: From teaching athletes new concepts based on learning style to managing locker room talks to solving conflicts between players, you’ll increase your ability to reach athletes through powerful communication techniques. Section IV. Concentration/Mental Toughness: The ability to refocus after mistakes is an essential mental skill. Improve concentration and mental toughness by teaching athletes how to block out distractions. Get specific, workable plans to use when they face all forms of competitive adversity. Section V Team Building: Volume 2 closes with 21 chapters jam packed with practical ideas you can use to build chemistry quickly and over the course of a season. Team building exercises, study summaries, coaching reflections and different ways teams have used to build unity are addressed.