5 Best Ways for Athletic Directors to Deliver Bad News

The following blog post is taken from the book Control Your Off the Field Concerns

As the leader of your athletic department, breaking bad news is never easy – whether it’s to staff, athletes or sports parents.  When you have to deliver bad news to a team, here are five tips for Athletic Directors and Athletic Leaders to consider.

1) Tell the truth. People fear what they don’t understand. Give as much information as you can following the who, what, when, where, and why principles of great journalism.

2) Put yourself into your players or parents shoes. It’s useless to tell members not to worry or expect them not feel frustrated. They may be going through a wide range of emotions. Don’t leave them guessing about what is next.

3) Acknowledge feelings.  Don’t suggest that the situation isn’t serious or use humor in these situations. Let team members vent negative emotions.

4) Take charge. Outline a specific plan of action that will help you and the team get through the current bad news you are all experiencing.

5) Follow through. Don’t leave team members wondering. Track the progress of addressing the problems.  Deliver frequent status updates until the situation is resolved.

Get hundreds more great ideas to help solve the toughest issues within your program with Control Your Off the Field Concerns. Staff discounts as low as 12.50 per book.